CH-7: Vim Editor and Basic Scripting (GSEB Computer Textbook Solutions Class 11)

Computer Textbook MCQ Solutions Class 11

CH-7: Vim Editor and Basic Scripting

1.       In how many modes Vim editor works?

a.       One

b.      Two

c.       Three

d.      Four


2.       Which of the following statement is true for Gedit?

a.       It is a Command line editor.

b.      It is a Graphical editor.

c.       It is not an editor.

d.      It is available with KDE Desktop environment.


3.       :wq in Vim editor is used for which of the following activities?

a.       To save file and remain in editing mode

b.      To save file and quit editing mode

c.       To quite editing mode without saving changes made in the file

d.      All of the above


4.       Which of following keys is not used to go into insert mode of the Vim editor?

a.       o

b.      i

c.       a

d.      cw


5.       Which of the following keys are used to delete a line?

a.       ce

b.      ge

c.       dd

d.      d$


6.       Which of the following statements is used to search for phrase in the file?

a.       :set is

b.      :help cmd

c.       :!cmd

d.      /phrase<ENTER>


7.       Which of the following syntax is used to substitute all occurrences of phrase1 with phrase2 in the entire file without asking for user confirmation?

a.       :%s/phrase1/phrase2/g

b.      :%s/phrase1/phrase2/gc

c.       :s/phrase1/phrase2/g

d.      :s/phrase1/phrase2/gc


8.       Which of the following character is used for commenting a line in a shell script?

a.       *

b.      %

c.       $

d.      #


9.       Which of the following symbol instructs a shell script to extract the value of a variable?

a.       *

b.      %

c.       $

d.      #


Manhar Rakholiya

I dont have tell them who am I, They already know me.