CH-3 Creating Animation Using Synfig (GSEB Computer Textbook Solutions Class 11)

Computer Textbook MCQ Solutions Class 11

CH-3: Creating Animation Using Synfig


1.       Which of the following terms represent the objects to be displayed over a period of time?

a.       Frame

b.      Object

c.       Keyframe

d.      Panel


2.       Each small change in the image is created and then displayed in sequence in which of the following techniques?

a.       Frame by frame animation

b.      Cel animation

c.       Tweening

d.      Morphing


3.       Which of the following timings is default setting for the End time?

a.       2s

b.      5s

c.       3s

d.      6s


4.       Which of the following terms represents a frame that defines the change to an object's properties?

a.       Timeline

b.      Layer

c.       Keyframe

d.      Panel


5.       Which of the following represents an indicator used to represent waypoint?

a.       Circle

b.      Square

c.       Rectangle

d.      Diamond 

6.       In animate edit mode the canvas outline color changes to which of the following colors?

a.       Orange

b.      Yellow

c.       Red

d.      Green


7.       Which of the following terms defines the length of time in the document?

a.       Frame

b.      Keyframe

c.       Layer

d.      Tweening


8.       Which of the following is correct entry in the timeslider?

a.       3f 9f

b.      3s 9f

c.       3f 9s

d.      3s 9s


9.       Which of the following terms represent an effect wherein the image transforms into another?

a.       Morphing

b.      Tweening

c.       Kinematics

d.      Keyframe


10.   Which of the following is the default setting for frames per second?

a.       15

b.      30

c.       24

d.      28


11.   Which of the following terms represent the study of movement and motion of objects that have joints such as walking man or running leopard?

a.       Animation

b.      Kinematics

c.       Tweening

d.      Morphing

Manhar Rakholiya

I dont have tell them who am I, They already know me.