CH-13: Current Trends and Technologies (GSEB Computer Textbook Solutions Class 11)

Computer Textbook MCQ Solutions Class 11

CH-13: Current Trends and Technologies 

1.       The term Cloud in cloud computing represents which of the following?

a.       Wireless

b.      Hard drives

c.       People

d.      Internet


2.       Google Drive is an example of which of the following cloud types?

a.       Private Cloud

b.      Public Cloud

c.       Personal Cloud

d.      Business Cloud


3.       Which of the following isn’t an advantage of cloud?

a.       No worries about running out of storage

b.      Easier to maintain a cloud network

c.       Immediate access to computing resources

d.      Paying only for what you use


4.       Which of the following is not a model of cloud computing?

a.       PaaS

b.      IaaS

c.       BaaS

d.      SaaS


5.       Which of the following is correct full form of SaaS?

a.       Software alternative accounting standard

b.      Short alert activation supplement

c.       Software as a service

d.      Service as a software


6.       Which of the following represents the maximum storage capacity of the microchip used in RFID?

a.       10 bytes

b.      2000 bytes

c.       1000 bytes

d.      500 bytes


7.       How many satellites does the GPS receiver require to calculate only latitude and longitude?

a.       One

b.      Two

c.       Three

d.      Four


8.       Which of the following refers to a storage device that is connected directly to a network?

a.       network attached storage

b.      storage area network

c.       direct attached storage

d.      RAID


9.       Which of the following refers to a network of storage devices that can be accessed over a network?

a.       direct attached storage

b.      RAID

c.       network attached storage

d.      storage area network


10.   Which of the following terms refer to the study that finds how effectively a machine can work with the use of sensors and actuators in dynamic environments?

a.       Kinetics

b.      Genetics

c.       Robotics

d.      Biometric


11.   Which of the following refers to a program launched in 1992 as a step towards green computing?

a.       STAR ENERGY


c.       ENERGY SAVE



CH-12: Forms and Reports (GSEB Computer Textbook Solutions Class 11)

Computer Textbook MCQ Solutions Class 11 

CH-12: Forms and Reports 

1.       For what main purpose a form is designed?

a.       To display data

b.      To enter data

c.       To create tables

d.      To view query result


2.       For what main purpose a report is designed?

a.       To view information in professional manner

b.      To enter data

c.       To create tables

d.      To get statistics of usage of records


3.       Form wizard allows creating data entry forms for which of the following?

a.       Report

b.      Table

c.       Query

d.      Both b and c 

4.       Which option is used to select a field?

a.       CTRL + Click

b.      Click

c.       Double Click

d.      Right Click


5.       Help Text created by user can be generally associated with which of the following object?

a.       Table

b.      Form

c.       Control Field on Form

d.      Report


6.       Report wizard is used to create report from how many tables at a time?

a.       One

b.      Two

c.       Three

d.      More than three