Standard 7 Chapter-1 Introduction to Computers


Section: A Multiple Choice Questions
1. Detecting the problem in a computer system when it is not working properly is called ...................
    A. Helping
    B. End Task
    C. Troubleshooting
2. ................... is an example of application software.
    A. MS-DOS
    B. Norton
    C. Oracle
3. A ................... is a collection of all the files in an organization.
    A. Field
    B. Record
    C. Database
4. ................... keys open Task Manager window.
    A. Ctrl + Alt
    B.Shift + Delete
    C. Ctrl + Alt + Delete
(Answer: 1-C, 2-C, 3-C, 4-C)

Section: B Fill in the blanks
1. A computer is a machine for manipulating data according to a list of instruction known as a program.
2. A projector is used to display video, images or computer data on a large screen.
3. Monitor and Printer are the most commonly used output devices.
4. The storage device of a computer system is referred to computer memory.

Section: C Quiz
1. Which memory is not directly accessed by CPU?
Answer: Secondary memory is nor directly accessible by the CPU.

2. How many bits make one byte?
Answer: 8 bits make one byte.

3. Name the different types of scanners.
Answer: Flatbed and Handheld are the types of scanners.
Section: D Very Short Answer Questions
1.  Define field and record.
Answer: A field is a collection of bytes that contains data about an item. A record is a collection of interrelated fields.

2. Name the two types of memory.
Answer: Primary memory and secondary memory are the two types of memory.

3. Name the different types of software.
Answer: Software is classified into two categories: i) System software and ii) Application software.

4. What is a plotter?
Answer: A plotter is an output device used to make large paper drawing such as construction map or engineering drawings.

Section: E Short Answer Questions
1. Define the terms: hardware and software
Answer: Hardware: Hardware is the physical parts of a computer system, which you can touch and feel. It governs the operations of a computer system.
Software: Software is a set of programs, that control the computer hardware parts and make them operational.

2. What is the data hierarchy?
Answer: Data hierarchy is the order in which the data is stored in a computer database.   

3. What is a bit?
Answer: Bit is the smallest unit of a data. A bit is the short form of Binary Digit. A computer represents data using digits 0 and 1.

4. Write short notes on the following with suitable examples.
(A) Application software
Answer: Application software consists of programs that are designed to do specific tasks, such as payroll, inventory, word processing, graphics, spreadsheets and desktop publishing. Example: MS Word, Adobe Photoshop.

(B) System Software
Answer: System software performs the basic functions that are necessary to operate a computer system. It controls the various resources of a computer system. Example: Windows Operating System.

Section: F Long Answer Question 
1. Explain computer memory and its types.
Answer: The storage device of a computer system is known as its memory. The memory unit can receive data, hold it and deliver according to the instructions from the control unit.
There are two types of memory:
i) Primary memory: Primary memory is the main memory of the computer system. RAM and ROM are two major types of primary memory.
ii) Secondary memory: Secondary memory is used to store data for a long time. Secondary memory is permanent in nature. Exmaples of secondary memory are hard disk, compact disc, pen drive etc.

2. What do you do when your computer is hung?
Answer: When the computer hung, it suddenly stops responding to your commands:
Step:1 Press Ctrl + Alt + Delete key combination.
Step:2 Choose start task manager.
Step:3 Click and select the application displays the message 'Not Responding'.
Step:4 Now, click on the End Task button to terminate the problem.

3. Explain the different types of printers.
Answer: Types of printer:
i). Dot Matrix:
  • Movable print heads
  • Pins strike ribbon placing dots on paper
  • less expensive
ii)  Inkjet Printer:
  • Letters formed by spraying streams of quick-drying ink
  • less noicy
  • speed given in lpm
iii) Laser Printer:
  • Use laser technology to print
  • best quality output
  • most expensive


Standard 6 Chapter-1 Introduction to Computers


Section: A Multiple Choice Questions.
1. IC stands for .................... .
    A. Integrated Chips
    B. Inter-related Circuits
    C. Integrated Circuits
2. Computers are classified into  .................... generations.
    A. Four
    B. Five
    C. Six
3. .................... generation computers used transistors.
    A. First
    B. Second
    C. Third
4. Use of .................... revolutionized the computer system completely.
    A. ICs
    B. Microprocessors
    C. Vacuum tubes
[Answer: 1-C, 2-B, 3-B, 4-B]

Section: B Fill in the blanks
1. A computer does calculation faster than human beings.
2. A computer has a large memory. 
3. A computer never gets tired.
4. A computer has no feelings/intelligence.

Section: C Quiz
1. Who invented the microprocessor?
Answer: Intel corporation invented microprocessor.
2. What was the time period of third generation computers?
Answer: The time period of the third generation was 1965 to 1971.

Section: D Very Short Answer Questions
1. Give one example for each of the following
     (a) First generation computers            EDVAC
     (b) Second generation computers      IBM 700
     (c) Third generation computers           IBM 360
     (d) Fourth generation computers       HP 9000
2. Why do computers have no intelligence?
Answer: Computers have not intelligence because these are the machine, that works according to the instruction given by the users.
3. What do you mean by versatility?
Answer: Versatility means variety. A computer is a versatile machine because it can perform any task.

Section: E Short Question Answers.
1. What are the limitations of a computer?
Answer: Limitation of a computer are that is does not have intelligence and feelings. It is dependent on the user for performing a task.     
2. Define Artificial Intelligence
Answer: Artificial Intelligence is a technique with which a machine is made to think and take a decision like human beings.

Section: F Long Answer Questions
1. List the characteristics of a computer
Answer: Characteristics of a computer are: Speed, Accuracy, Large memory, Diligence, and Versatility
2. Write any two differences between the first generation computers and the second generation computers.
Answer: Differences between the first generation computers and the second generation computers are:
First Generation Computers Second Generation Computers
(i) Used vacuum tubes (i) Used transistor
(ii) Very heavy and large in size (ii) Smaller in size that first generation computers


Standard 5 Chapter-1 More on MS Windows 7


Section: A Multiple Choice Questions
1. Purble Place is a ....................
    A. Wallpaper
    B. Screen Saver
    C. Game
2. Sound Recorder option is present in ....................
    A. Control panel
    B. Entertainment
    C. Accessories
3. To know the rules of a game, click .................... menu.
    A. File
    B. Help
    C. Edit
4. .................... acts as a dustbin for a computer.
    A. Computer
    B. Recycle Bin
    C. Network
[Answer: 1-C, 2-C, 3-B, 4-B]

Section: B Fill in the blanks
1. The background picture of the computer desktop is known as wallpaper.
2. Windows 7 is an operating system.
3. To open the sound recorder program click the start button -- All programs -- Accessories -- Sound Recorder option.  
4. Windows color option changes the color of window borders, start menu and taskbar. 

Section: C Match the following gadgets with their name

Section: D Quiz
1. Name the hardware device used to record your voice.
Answer: Microphone is the hardware device which used to record voice in the computer.
2. What does the number of minutes specified in the wait box of screen saver indicates?
Answer: The number of minutes in wait box indicates the time after which the screen saver starts.

Section: E Very Short Answer Questions
1. Give two examples of the following:
     (a) Desktop background         Characters       United States
     (b) Screen Saver                          Bubbles              3D Text
     (c) Windows 7 games               Freecell              PurblePlace 
2. What is context menu?
Answer: The shortcut menu that appears on right-clicking the mouse is also called as context menu or pop-up menu.

Section: F Short Answer Questions
1. What is a screen saver?
Answer: A screen saver is a program that displays moving pictures or graphics on the computer. It starts when the computer left idle for sometime.
2. What is the use of Control panel?
Answer:  The Control Panel has special tools that are used to change the way Windows looks and behave. 

Section: G Long Answer Questions
Write Down the steps to change the desktop background of the Windows 7 desktop.
To change the desktop background of windows 7:
Step:1 Right-click at any empty area on the desktop and click the personalize option.
Step:2 Click the desktop background option.
Step:3 Select any option from picture location.
Step:4 Choose the picture you want.
Step:5 Click the save changes button. 


Standard:4 CH-01 Introduction to Computers

Multiple Choice Question (Page No: 8)

Choose the correct option for given questions:
1. ..................... devices are used to display the result
    A. Input
    B. Output
    C. Processing
2. Input devices are used to enter .................. into the computer.
    A. Data
    B. Food
    C. Icons
3. Subtracting two numbers is .................... 
    A. Input
    B. Processing
    C. Output
Answer: 1-B, 2-A, 3-B 

 Exercise (Page No: 11)

Section A: Multiple Choice Questions
1. The result you get after processing is the ...................
    A. Input
    B. Process
    C. Output
2.  .................. is used to play games on the computer.
    A. Scanner
    B. Joystick
    C. Printer
3.  .................. gives the result on paper.
    A. Printer
    B. Scanner
    C. Monitor
4.  All internal parts of computer including CPU are attached to ..................
    A. Hard Disk
    B. RAM
    C. Motherboard

Section B:  Write full form of the following
CPU:      Central Processing Unit
ALU:      Arithmetic and Logic Unit
CU:         Control Unit
MU:        Memory Unit
RAM:     Random Access Memory

Section C: Quiz
 1. Name the two types of memory.
Answer: The two types of memory are the Primary memory and Secondary memory.
 2. Which device is also called as a flash drive?
Answer: Pen drive is also called as a flash drive.

Section D: Very Short Answer Questions. 
1. What is the difference between primary memory and secondary memory?
Answer: Primary memory is the internal memory of the computer, while the secondary memory is the external memory of the computer.
2. Write two examples for each of the following:
      (A) Input devices             i) Keyboard         ii) Mouse
      (B) Output devices           i) Monitor           ii) Printer
      (C) Storage devices          i) Hard Disk        ii) CD

Section D: Short Answer Questions.
1. What is a printer? Also name the three types of printer.
Answer: Printer helps us to take the result on paper. Three types of printers are:  i) Dot Matrix ii) Inkjet iii) Laser
2. What is hard disk?
Answer: Hard disk is a secondary storage device which stores all the data and software.
Section D: Very Short Answer Questions.
1.  What is secondary memory? Explain any two secondary storage devices.
Answer: Secondary memory is used to store data permanently. The two secondary storage devices are as below:
(i) Hard disk: It is fixed inside the CPU box and stores all the data and software.
(ii) Pen drive: It is a portable device and has a large capacity to store data.   




STD-10 Computer Chapter:11 data Types, Operators and Expression in C Language

1. Which of the following keywords refer to integer data type?
a. integer
b. Integer
d. int

2. Which of the following refers to an empty value?
a. void
b. Void
c. char
d. float

3. Which of the following refers to size of memory allocated to float as per gcc compiler?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 4
d. 6

4. Which of the following is a valid keyword in C that identifies valid character value?
a. char
b. character

5. Which of the following is a user define data type in C?
a. int
b. enum
c. char
d. float

6. Which of the following is used to provide an alias to existing data types in C?
a. enum
b. def
c. pointer

7. The symbol & belong to which of the following operator types in C?
a. Relational
b. Arithmetic
c. Logical
d. Bitwise

8. The symbol ! belong to which of the following operator types in C?
a. Relational
b. Arithmetic
c. Logical
d. Bitwise

9. The = symbol is used for which of the following operations in C?
a. Equality  check
b. Assignment
c. Comment
d. Formula

10. Which of the following refer to the meaning of value++ in C?
a. Post increment
b. Post decrement
c. Pre increment
d. Pre decrement


STD-10 Computer Chapter:10 Introduction to C Language

1. Which of the following is an extension of C program file?
a. c
b. h
c. s
d. t

2. Which of the following number refers to number of C character categories?
a. 0
b. 2
c. 4
d. 8

3. Which of the following C character categories does the symbol = belongs?
a. Letter
b. Blank Space
c. Special Character
d. Digit

4. Which of the following is a valid keyword of C?
a. ofsize
b. sizeof
c. forsize
d. sizefor

5. Which of the following is an invalid variable name in C?
a. Register
b. RegIster
c. registre
d. register

6. Which of the following is an invalid integer constant in C?
a. 0xG
b. 0xA
c. 0xB
d. 0xD
7. Which of the following is valid real constant in C?
a. -2.0.5e5
b. -20.5e5.5
c. -20.5e5
d. -20.5e.5

8. Which of the following is valid single character constant in C?
a. ‘a’
b. ‘\a’
c. “a”
d. Both a and b

9. The preprocessor directive # define is used to define which of the following in C?
a. String constants
b. Symbolic constants
c. Integer constant
d. Single character constant

10. Which of the following function key is used to directly execute a program?
a. F7
b. F9
c. F5
d. F8


STD-10 Computer Chapter:9 Problem and Problem Solving

1. Which of the following refers to a list of instructions in a proper order to solve a problem called? 
a. Algorithm
b. Flowchart
c. Sequence
d. Roadmap 

2. Which of the following symbol is used to test conditions in a flowchart?
a. Diamond
b. Circle
c. Arrow
d. Square

3. Which of the following symbol is used to represent output in a flowchart?
a. Square
b. Circle
c. Parallelogram
d. Triangle

4. Which of the following is the standard terminal symbol for a flowchart?
a. Circle
b. Diamond
c. Rounded Rectangle
d. Square

5. Which of the following refers to the purpose of Algorithm and Flowchart?
a. Know the memory capacity
b. Identify the base of the number system
c. Direct the output to the printer
d. Specify the problem completely and clearly

6. Which of the following is not a problem solving technique?
a. Pseudo code
b. Flowchart
c. Algorithm
d. Sequence

7. Which of the following is a pictorial representation of a problem solving technique?
a. Pseudo code
b. Flowchart
c. Algorithm
d. Computer program

8. An arrow symbol in flowchart is sued to show
a. The flow of an action
b. The sequence of action
c. The start of actions
d. The completion of an action

9. Which of the following refers to the core part of any solution?
a. Input
b. Output
c. Process
d. Algorithm

10. Which of the following symbol represents a Process?
a. Rectangle
b. Square
c. Circle
d. Diamond

11. Which of the following is used to distinguish different connector pairs in flowchart?
a. Arrows are used
b. Alphabets or other characters are used
c. Circles are used
d. Diamonds are used

(Note: A circle symbol is used to represent a connector but to distinguish different connector, different characters are used with a same alphabet in a pair.)


STD-10 Computer Chapter:8 Charts in Calc

1. Which of the following option is used to print a chart?
a. Insert -- Chart
b. File -- View
c. File -- Print
d. View -- Chart

2. The charts in Calc may have how many of the following axis?
a. Two
b. Three
c. Two or Three
d. Four

3. Which of the following is used to enter 3D text in Calc?
a. Fontwork
b. Artwork
c. Drawing work
d. Graphwork

4. Which of the following shows us the preview of the chart?
a. Save as XHTML
b. Page preview
c. Export chart
d. All of the above

5. Which of the following is used to provide a link to the chart?
a. Activelink
b. Hyperlink
c. Drawinglink
d. Connectionlink

6. To fix the column or row in a data range – to make it absolute, which symbol is used?
a. #
b. $
c. &
d. %

7. To which of the entity can a Calc chart be linked?
a. To an existing document
b. To a new document
c. Web page
d. All of the above


STD-10 Computer Chapter:7 Functions in Calc

1. In which of the following ways we can enter a function in Calc?
a. Directly typing function name in a cell
b. Function wizard or selecting from tool bar
c. Both A and B
d. Depends on function

2. A function can start with which of the following options?
a. ‘=’ sign
b. Alphabets
c. Numbers
d. Any of the above

3. Which of the following is not a logical function?
a. OR
b. AND
c. NOT

4. Which date and time function of Calc you will use to find out whether the given year is leap year or not?
b. DAYS()
c. Both (A) and (B)
d. DATE()

5. Which is the possible mechanism to enter a function in Calc cell?
a. Through function wizard
b. By manually entering
c. Both (A) and (B)
d. Depends on function

6. How many arguments one can use with a Calc function?
a. One
b. Two
c. Three
d. Depends on the function

7. What can be a function argument?
a. Value
b. Text
c. Other function
d. All of the above


STD-10 Computer Chapter:6 Data Editing and Formatting in Calc

1. Which of the following technique arranges the data set in a particular order such as ascending and descending?
a. Data formatting
b. Data validators
c. Data filtering
d. Data sorting

2. Which of the following technique can be used to allow only date values in a cell?
a. Data formatting
b. Data validators
c. Data filtering
d. Data sorting

3. Which of the following options when selected deletes all data validation?
a. Delete formatting
b. Delete all
c. Delete formula
d. Delete me

4. We can replace multiple occurrence of a word using which of the following facility of Calc?
a. Find and replace
b. By replace only
c. By cope command
d. By preview command

5. Page preview will also allow you to do which of the following settings?
a. Borders
b. Margins
c. Column and row heading
d. All of the above

6. Which of the following function key is used to check spelling in Calc?
a. F1
b. F3
c. F5
d. F7

7. Which of the following function key is used to get help in Calc?
a. F1
b. F3
c. F5
d. F7

8. What is the name of mechanism to arranging the data in a particular order?
a. Sorting
b. Searching
c. Filtering
d. Validating

9. What is the name of mechanism to filter out unnecessary data?
a. Sorting
b. Searching
c. Filtering
d. Validating

10. What is the name of mechanism to allow only valid data?
a. Sorting
b. Searching
c. Filtering
d. Validating


STD-10 Computer Chapter:5 Introduction to Calc

1. Which of the following type or package does Calc refer to?
a. Spreadsheet
b. Multi sheet
c. Double sheet
d. Cannot be determined

2. Which of the following applications are not suitable for Calc?
a. Balance sheet preparation
b. Result analysis
c. Presenting an idea about a product
d. All of the above

3. Which of the following is the extension of a worksheet created in Calc?
a. .ods
b. .odd
c. .xls
d. .obj

4. Which of the following will be inserted in a worksheet if=starcalcteam() is inserted in a Calc cell?
a. Stars
b. Photograph of Calc developer team
c. Calc license information
d. Calc version information

5. How can one calculate total of value entered in a worksheet in a Calc document?
a. By manual entry
b. By autosum
c. By formula
d. All of the above

6. If we move a cell containing a formula having reference to another cell in the worksheet what will happen to the cell numbers used in formula?
a. The cell row and columns are changed at destination
b. The cell row numbers are changed at destination
c. The cell column numbers are change at destination
d. Nothing will be changed